You cannot compile a database object because there is a long running job running it. When compiling the statement just hangs.
(1) Find the culprit.
In my case I was trying to compile a package with the name HOUSE in it
select *
where name like '%HOUSE%';
(2) You should have two rows, one for the locking rocess, ad one for the one which you are using to try and compile.
select *
from v$session
where sid in (140,637) ;--change to your sessions gained from the above SQL.
To double check, have a look at the SQL.
select *
from v$sql
where sql_id = '6fbhqv3m80ghb';
(3) Kill the offending process
ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '140,32348'; --SID and SERIAL from the previous query.
Your procedure/package/DDL statement will immediately continue..
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