Shuttles are nice, but when you have a lot of values, a filter really helps.Solution
I came across the code from Jari Laine, which worked perfectly, although I needed to get some help in understanding where to put the code.
Create your shuttle item. Mine was called P55_CURRENT_WORK_S
Now on the same page, go to the page properties and enter the function declaration, and then execute the code to add the filter.
To add the function, copy/paste this into "Function and Global Declaration"
return this.each(function(i){
var $self = $(this)
,filterId = $self.attr("id") + "_FILTER"
,$select = $self.find("select")
,shuttleValues = $select.children("option").map(function(){
return {text:$(this).text(),value:$(this).val(),option:this}
,$filter = $("<input/>",{"type":"text","value":"","size":"255","autocomplete":"off","id":filterId})
var filterval = new RegExp("^"+$(this).val()+".*","i")
,selectedValues = $select.eq(1).children("option").map(function(){
return $(this).val();
if(obj["text"].match(filterval) && $.inArray(obj["value"],selectedValues)<0){
Add to execute the code to make the filter, copy/paste this code (replacing with your shuttle name), in the "execute when page loads" section.
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