You create an interactive report, and you don't want people to change it.
You can create the interactive exactly as you want it to be displayed, with highlighting etc.
You can save it as the default report.
Now you don't want the user to change anything, so you switch off the whole actions bar.
(Interactive Report) > Attributes...
...problem is the highlight rule still shows, and the user can simply uncheck it to undo all your hard work.
Hide the highlight rule.
Give your Interactive Report an alias.
Now go to your page properties, and put in a value for CSS inline.
I've used the name "apex", change it to (whatever you called it )_control_panel.
Result, your report shows nicely, and the user can't change it.
Update 26 October
There are a number of other attributes that can be changed with this method. examples from MattsBits Blog
.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA { border:0 #fff solid; empty-cells:show; border-collapse:collapse; font-size:8pt; } .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tfoot tr td{ background:#efefef; } .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA th{ background:#4e4e4e; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; border-top:1px #ccc solid; border-bottom:1px #aaa solid; white-space:nowrap; vertical-align:center; letter-spacing:1; font-size:8pt; background-image:url(../ws/report_bg.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; } .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA th div{ color:#fff; letter-spacing:1; font-size:8pt; text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer; margin:3px 9px; } .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td{ background:#efefef; border-top:1px #fff solid; border-bottom:1px #ccc solid; font-size:8pt; padding:3px 9px; empty-cells:show!important; } #apexir_WORKSHEET .apexir_REPEAT_HEADING{ padding:10px 0 5px 0; border:0 solid #fff; background:#fff; font-weight:bold; font-size:9pt; text-align:left; color:#000; } #apexir_WORKSHEET .apexir_AGGREGATE_VALUE{ font-weight:bold; background:#eee; text-align:right; }
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