You want an icon on each line, example delete icon.Solution
Seen a few solutions, but I put two together to make this work.Add a column to your interactive report query to display your icon.
Upload a file in shared components > files > Workspace files
(Note the reference)
Go back to the column that you created in your report (del_icon), change the type to link.
Change the link text to <img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#deleteicon_enabled.gif" />
i.e the reference when you uploaded your file.
Now we want something to happen when the user clicks on the icon.
Create a hidden non-database text column somewhere on your page
Now go back to your del_icon column that you added to your interactive report.
Change the link target to point back to your page. You want it to pass a key value back to the hidden column that you created.
Cursor c_del is
select 1
from GNS_DS_RICEW_components
where ricew_id = :P7_RICEW_ID
and sequence_number = :P7_DEL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER;
v_test NUMBER;
Open c_del;
Fetch c_del into v_test;
If c_del%FOUND Then
-- Delete Person
delete from GNS_DS_RICEW_components
where ricew_id = :P7_RICEW_ID
and sequence_number = :P7_DEL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER;
apex_application.g_print_success_message := 'Component Removed';
End If;
Close c_del;
It's important to set you hidden variable to null afterwards!
Finally, make sure that your process has a condition on it:
Note the syntax for displaying the image in this post is not quite right, and they forget to clear the variable in the delete process.
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