Problem 1
You have a section that you don't want to split across pages.
Even though you've set the table not to split, it does.
Solution 1
Put the entire table inside another table that only has one cell. Set that table not to "Allow row to break across pages".
Problem 2
You need to force a section to the bottom of the page.
Solution 2
Use table background colours to help you out while you are developing. In the example below I want the white section to be at the bottom of the page.
Put the section above the white section in a single column table and increase the height until the shote section is as far down as you want it to always be.
Now put a space (shown with an 'x' in the original screendump) between the two sections to remain at that distance.
Problem 3
You have some condition (if then else) columns.
Solution 3
Note that your columns names don't need to be inclosed in tags because the if statements already has tags. Also be careful about using single quotes in Word, they are sometimes in a format not recognized by publisher. (They look like tiny "69" instead of very plain quotes) Copy paste the ones that I have used here.
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